Stanislaus J. Baer (Stan)
Ipswich, SD
1934, 1789, Pactola, F-4,
Stan Baer was born May 16th, 1915 to Leo & Theresa (Schmitt) Baer at Ipswitch, S.D.
In early 1934 he joined the CCC and was sent to Camp Pactola in the Black Hills. He served there for 1 year. The wages then were $30.00 per month, of which he was given $7.00 per month allowance and the other $23.00 was sent to his parents.
He served in the U.S. Army from April 1942 to Dec. 1945, serving three years in the Pacific.
In 1953 he worked for Harric Construction Co. which built the road over the spillway at Pactola Dam. The town of Pactola is under water. He was a heavy equipment operator. He died March 25th, 1977 and is buried at the National Cemetery at Sturgis, SD.
This information and pictures (or copies) are from his bothers Leo Baer and Andrew Baer are part of the displays at the Civilian Conservation Corps of South Dakota in Hill City, SD.

Do you have additional information about Stanislaus Baer
We would like to included it. Please write or email us at History "at" SouthDakotaCCC "dot" org.