The CCC Museum Store
Category: Woodcraft  Listing Date: 2017-05-17  Product ID: OC-1

Wood Replica Oil Can
Handcrafted Oil Can - size, wood type and design vary
Prices Vary
All sales in store only
Unique wooden replica oil can. NOTE: does not have a CCC emblem or logo.
Wooden replica reminiscent of the types of oil cans used during the 30s, 40s, 50s. No two are alike and different types of woods are use depending on availability. Each is turned by a museum volunteer.
Your purchase helps preserve the legacy of the CCC.
Picture is a representation. See what is available at the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Museum of South Dakota. Sizes and types of wood vary. Each is unique.
Do you have questions about Wood Replica Oil Can4>
We would like to know. Email: history "at" SouthDakotaCCC "dot" org.
Your purchases and donations help support the Civilian Conservation Corps Museum of South Dakota. Make your purchase at the museum today.