Noel Grant Pritchett
Herrick, SD
1940, 4726, American Island, SCS-7, Company Cook
Company Cook Is Killed While On Home Leave
A sad accident occurred on Oct.13, when Noel Pritchett of this company Was killed in an auto accident near Burke, S. D. Pritchett who was on a weekend pass, had been company cook here during the past six. months. He entered camp in January, 1940, was rated to cook in April.
Pall bearers at the funeral, which was held at Herrick on Oct. 16; Pritchett's home town, were five boys from the company, and Mr. Aasen, camp subaltern. The boys included: Earl Cressman, Joe Musilek, Orgene Peterson, Henry Peterson, and Milton Faul. Mr. Aasen drove to Herrick in his car and provided the transportation.
A large wreath from the camp was presented at the funeral for Noel. The wreath was bought by members of the camp and supervisory personnel of the army and technical service. The funeral (expenses of which are paid by the government) was held by the Methodist pastor at the Herrick city hall.
Pritchett was well liked by everyone in camp. He carried out his duties as cook faithfully and efficiently and studied his job by reading books on cooking. He had a pleasant personality and his conduct about camp was always above reproach.
The accident occurred near Burke on the night of Oct. 13. Pritchett was riding with a friend Claude Allen when the car overturned on a curve, and it is believed that loose gravel was responsible. Pritchett was killed instantly, according to the investigation made by Mr. Jorgenson and Dr. Orlik, who drove to Herrick on Oct. 14.

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