Category: Event  Date: 2016-06-30
Grandfather's Name Found
On June 18, 2016 the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Museum of South Dakota held the annual open house. Many local folks came to view the displays and visit with local CCC man Jay Hendrickson, however several folks came from across the state of South Dakota and beyond.
Members of the Seeman Family (Milford, Carl, Robert were CCC Men) shared photos and documents. Orlyn Nielson was in CCC Camp 789, Este, F-3. His daughter Peggy Nielson and son Larry and family attended the open house. Orlyn Nielson was identified on one of the camp group photos on display in the Museum.
Larry's son, Orlyn Nielson's grandson Mikael discovered "Grandpa's" name in the register of South Dakota Enrollees. What a great experience when discoveries and memories are made and history is preserved.

What a great experience when discoveries and memories are made and history is preserved.